Saturday 16 January 2010

IKEA Magazine Double Spread Advert

This is an IKEA double spread magazine advert I designed for our ADVERTISING module at university. The target market was is people whose homes are in need of a change, big or small and for a reason or another, they are not getting around to do them and need a friendly nudge. We were also to raise awareness about the brand new catalogue.

Our interpretation of the brief was that people whose homes are in need of a change and not getting around to do it probably read magazines about home improvement so we needed to create an ad that would we widely seen like a Billboard ad that could also be adapted to appear in the magazine read by the main target audience.

We opted for an inexpensive yet efficient advert using the material already designed for the IKEA Catalogue such as the IKEA Catalogue cover. The size of the magazine spread could be easily converted to billboard size and Vice-Versa. The 3 images above show the final design also applied in the magazine.