Saturday 16 January 2010

IKEA Magazine Double Spread Advert

This is an IKEA double spread magazine advert I designed for our ADVERTISING module at university. The target market was is people whose homes are in need of a change, big or small and for a reason or another, they are not getting around to do them and need a friendly nudge. We were also to raise awareness about the brand new catalogue.

Our interpretation of the brief was that people whose homes are in need of a change and not getting around to do it probably read magazines about home improvement so we needed to create an ad that would we widely seen like a Billboard ad that could also be adapted to appear in the magazine read by the main target audience.

We opted for an inexpensive yet efficient advert using the material already designed for the IKEA Catalogue such as the IKEA Catalogue cover. The size of the magazine spread could be easily converted to billboard size and Vice-Versa. The 3 images above show the final design also applied in the magazine.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Wordle Typography Poster

While on the internet doing some research for my University projects, I came across this website, which automatically generates a typographic poster with any text you type in or any link. This is the result after I linked my blog. The initial result was not really impressive. It does offer some limited settings such as fonts and colours so after fiddling with the fonts and used my own custom colour palette, I was able to get this final result. The words selected are really random so I'm thinking to push this further I will try and create another poster with keys words that are much more relevant to my blog.

Saturday 28 November 2009

T5 Website Design

This is actually a University project I completed during my 1st year at university. We were given the task of designing a Logo for "T5" and to design a website giving information about all the courses taking place at T5, which T5 being the name of the creative floor of the university. I used a 960 px frame to make sure the website fits on a regular monitor screen. I decided to go for a dark background with a colourful header text and speech bubble type menu buttons. The CMYK colours of the main menu and the lime green T5 logo are well contrasted with the background. To encourage student participation/ evolvement, I also implemented a "recent Student Work' area to encourage students to upload their work. additionally, I included links to popular bookmarking sites such as Digg and popular social networking sites such as Facebook.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Irish Beer Label Design Application

A Little while ago I designed this Irish beer label using an image of myself during my free time to improve my knowledge of illustrator. Now, thanks to the beautiful layered stock images over at, I've been able to push the project further and apply the label to an actual beer bottle.The end result looks pretty believable but still It'll be really funny to go down the supermarket and see a shelf full of beer with my face on them LOL.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

MTV Main Stage Bus Stop Poster

In my spare time, I created this Bus Stop version of my MTV Main Stage poster and was looking for images on Istockphoto where it could be applied to visualise how it will look in the real world. The end result is really believable and will definitely reach the target audience with its colourful and funky theme MTV is known for. The use of white space creates emphasis on the design and the message, which can be easily read even during rush hours.